Corrective Rape…
Corrective and rape, when I read this for the first time I thought it is just another stupid oxymoron, but no it isn’t, to my shock and dismay this term goes with its literal meaning…
‘Corrective rape' is based on the outrageous and utterly false notion that a lesbian woman can be raped to 'make her straight', isn’t it devastating…
Corrective rape is a criminal practice, whereby men rape lesbian women, purportedly as a means of "curing" the woman of her sexual orientation.(Source:wikipedia)
There can never be a cause or justification to it, and motive is irrelevant in heinous crimes like 'corrective rape.'
This is just another extreme chapter of the male psychology where being dominant is the only thing they feel makes them superior.
Once a victim told police that throughout the assault, her attacker repeatedly said, "You think you're a man, but I'm going to show you you're a woman." The victim was tied up, beaten, strangled, tortured and raped for five hours by a man as he screamed that he would "cure" Millicent of her lesbianism.
Why can’t we just live the way we are and want, why would some else bother to make us what he feels is right, why would some else has the right to kill us before we die…